"...but as Albertans."

Clearly, Mr. Rutherford BELEIVED Alberta was his HOME here on earth.

Is Alberta YOUR home?
Find out.
Please WATCH Jay Bortnik's 11 minute video.
Also includes:
10 Signs Alberta is YOUR Home

Here's some background:

Mr. Rutherford was a Liberal 
and was initially appointed as Premier 
by the Dominion of Canada 
before the first election was ever held in Alberta. 

Mr. Babcock, in his book (see below: page 42),
 explains Rutherford's statement 
from the federal Liberal party's perspective.

"For ardently partisan Liberals, 
especially federal Liberals 
who faced a contest soon 
against a revitalized Conservative party, 
such sentiments expressed 
by a provincial party leader 
were dangerous and irresponsible.
Not only was Rutherford undermining 
the primacy of the two-party system,
he was raising the spectre of 
western nationalism in its place.


From Douglas R. Babcock's book - 
(Click below to see price on Amazon.ca) 
The University of Calgary Press, 1989, p. 42.

Click to find at the Calgary Public Library
Click to find at the Edmonton Public Library
Click to find at the Red Deer Public Library
Click to find at the Lethbridge Public Library
 It is not in Ft. McMurray (Municipality of Wood Buffalo)
It is not in the Medicine Hat Public Library.
Click to find in the TRAC system

In turn, his source is listed as:
Strathcona Plaindealer, 19 March 1909

“I appeal to you 
for the elimination 
of selfish and 
partisan considerations.  
I appeal to you not as Liberals 
or Conservatives, 
but as Albertans.  
The Province must stand 
before the party.”
Alexander Rutherford
Alberta's First Premier


This is my opinion (if you wish to read it):

Albertans are being divided and conquered by federal political parties for the benefit of Central Canadians - who live South of the 49th and almost 4000 km away from most Albertans.
I've got no beef with Central Canadians. They simply have different needs, wants, interests, and even outlooks. What I have an issue with is Alberta's Deal with Canada. This must change if Alberta is to thrive again.

Albertans are simply outnumbered, under-represented, and exploited to the tune of $221 billion in only 9 years (2007-2015) and that doesn't count the billions for decades before this.

What can Albertans do about this?
I have written a piece on Alberta's Options called: Analyzing Albertans' Alternatives
GO HERE to think about our options: https://jaybortnik.blogspot.com/p/albertas.html