WOW - Free speech on trial in Canada

Check this out:

A man in Ontario is sentenced to 20 months in jail for - wait for it - 

 offering up opinions of islam on public transit.

Ezra Levant (of Sun News) does an excellent job of dissecting this news story.

Listen for yourself as you see the utter hypocrisy going on in this Canada with regard to free speech.


This is the PROOF you have been looking for.

Please share this link with your friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances before it is too late.  We - CANADIANS are LOSING our FREE society day by day for the ILLUSION of security.

Stay TRUE, Stay NORTH, Stay STRONG, Stray FREE,

Jay Bortnik

Journeyman Plumber and Gas Fitter
FREE citizen of Alberta Canada

until next time.

P.S.  This link has also been added to my PERSECUTION web page.