Alberta "opens" BUT what of Masks, Pastors, and Evidence?


Scroll down to find the CPAC (Canadian Public Affairs Channel) video - included in this post - which YouTube CENSORED after this blog post was first published.

By doing this, YouTube has "proven" their point >>>

MP Derek Sloan Raises Concerns Over Censorship of Doctors and Scientists

You can still watch this CPAC video here >>>

Here is an article describing what happened to this YouTube video:

Youtube Removed Derek Sloan’s Censored Doctors Press Conference with 650,000+ Views


Our Albertan Government has announced

that Alberta will OPEN on July 1st, 2021.


What about masks?

The Alberta government (see above link)

states "Effective July 1, ...

  • The general indoor provincial mask mandate will be lifted, but masking may still be required in limited and specific settings.

Keep in mind 

there was never any evidence to wear masks and there still is not.

WARNING:   LinkedIn CENSORED this QUOTE photo  

>>> CLICK here to see for yourself

             " In fact, there is

                no study to even suggest

                that it makes any sense

                for healthy individuals to wear masks." 

From the BOOK: 

Corona False Alarm?  Facts and Figures

By:  Dr. Karina Reiss AND Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi was in charge of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz (in Germany) 1990 to 2012. He has published over 300 articles on immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology, for which he has received numerous awards and the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Dr. Karina Reiss is an Associate Professor at the University of Kiel. She has published over 60 articles on cell biology, biochemistry, inflammation, and infection, which have gained international recognition and received prestigious honors and awards.

What about the Pastors?

Our Albertan Government

has ARRESTED more Christian Pastors

than any other democratic state.

1.  Pastor James Coates, Grace Life Church, Spruce Grove (Edmonton, Alberta)

2.  Pastor Artur Pawlawski, Street Church, Calgary, Alberta

3.  Pastor Tim Stephens (twice), Fairview Baptist Church, Calgary, Alberta

VIDEO:  Wife of pastor jailed for preaching speaks out on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

VIDEO:  Pastor arrested for opening church speaks out

VIDEO:  The Government War on Worship

Click the link below to 


What about the Government's "scientific" evidence for the Lockdown?

"But when it comes to producing evidence in court, 

Jason Kenney is terrified of science and truth."

"Rather than manning up and assembling the medical and scientific evidence to try to justify violating the Charter  rights and freedoms of Albertans, the Alberta Government instead asked for an adjournment. The government told the court that seven weeks’ notice just wasn’t enough time, even after eleven months of Charter-violating lockdowns."

From Article:

The Kenney government is terrified of a trial with medical and scientific evidence

VIDEO:  Evidence Delayed is Evidence Denied

Click the link below to 
WATCH this VIDEO on YouTube:

Here are some more experts (doctors) who are brave enough to talk about the government lockdown measures.  

VIDEO:  MP Derek Sloan raises concerns about censorship of doctors and scientists – June 17, 2021

Interesting FACT:  

This was CPAC's most viewed video on YouTube.

Over 600,000 views to date since June 17, 2021.

CPAC, the Cable Public Affairs Channel, is Canada's only privately-owned, commercial free, not-for-profit, bilingual TV service, dedicated to around the clock coverage of Parliament, politics and public affairs


While Alberta is fully opening

from its lockdown restrictions,

other Canadian provinces

are remaining locked down - in some form.

Happy Canada Day ???

True North Strong and Free ???

Maybe in Alberta,

but not in the rest of Canada.

Video: Canada Misplaced

Video:  Alberta Northern Superstar

Video:  The Shocking Truth about Alberta and Saskatchewan

Video:  How You Can Vote "No" to Canada ... and still be counted
