Jay's Year End Music Countdown on December 31, 2015 countdown Jay Bortnik lyrics mix Music solid songs +
3 events that might change your mind about gun rights on December 04, 2015 attempted murder charges driver Edmonton gun rights Guns San Bernadino Taser-toting doctor vancouver +
Why did the recent Paris attacks result in so many dead? on November 14, 2015 Attacks France free speech Garland Guns Islam laws Paris Terrorist Texas Tyranny of Silence +
Book Endorsement: Lights Out - Islam, Free Speech and the Twilight of the West on June 04, 2015 book Book Endorsement book review free speech Islam Jay Bortnik Mark Steyn +
Book Endorsement: The Tyranny Silence on May 28, 2015 Alberta Book Endorsement Canada Edmonton Flemming Rose Jay Bortnik The Tyranny of Silence +
Book Endorsement: The Tyranny of Nice on May 16, 2015 Canadian Human Rights Commissions Danish Cartoons Ezra Levant free speech Kathy Shaidle Mark Steyn +
Bodies Revealed: Exhibit of murdered Chinese prisoners? on April 18, 2015 bodies bodies revealed Chinese prisoners exhibit +
New Links to articles: The Case for Guns on February 21, 2015 Alberta Canada Edmonton Europe European Union gun rights +
Teddy Roosevelt: "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick" on February 16, 2015 DVD Teddy Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt +
DVD review: Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 on February 03, 2015 Fat Sick & Nearly Dead 2 Jay Bortnik Joe Cross +
WOW - Free speech on trial in Canada on January 10, 2015 Canada Ezra Levant Islam Jay Bortnik Ontario persecution Sun News +