Some of you (who still read my posts) aren't going to like this,
paying more taxes means more government
which in the end means less personal responsibility
which leads to less personal freedom and liberty.
Oh, but you say those taxes pay for schools (read this book:…/709159005_weapons_of_mass_i…),
...taxes pay for infrastructure (how's that working out? new golf courses,
....but we still have pot holes and old bridges and hospitals that have not been maintained),
...taxes pay for hospitals (been in emergency lately??),
.....taxes pay so we can be protected from criminals (taken a look at the news lately? people who aren't supposed to have guns killing mounties and civilians). No thanks.
I will be more responsible rather than watch that money go into things (who knows what because I am working to hard - on this modern day plantation - to keep track of what these guys are doing.
Then these same people want to pass laws against free speech (look up Ezra Levant and what happened to him over some "Danish Cartoons").
Re-posted from my Facebook page.
Thanks for reading,
paying more taxes means more government
which in the end means less personal responsibility
which leads to less personal freedom and liberty.
Oh, but you say those taxes pay for schools (read this book:…/709159005_weapons_of_mass_i…),
...taxes pay for infrastructure (how's that working out? new golf courses,
....but we still have pot holes and old bridges and hospitals that have not been maintained),
...taxes pay for hospitals (been in emergency lately??),
.....taxes pay so we can be protected from criminals (taken a look at the news lately? people who aren't supposed to have guns killing mounties and civilians). No thanks.
I will be more responsible rather than watch that money go into things (who knows what because I am working to hard - on this modern day plantation - to keep track of what these guys are doing.
Then these same people want to pass laws against free speech (look up Ezra Levant and what happened to him over some "Danish Cartoons").
That is why I only vote for politicians who will tax less.
Re-posted from my Facebook page.
Thanks for reading,