12 Reasons 👩 Danielle Smith 👩 should have her own place in the Canadian Encyclopedia


UPDATE:   The Canadian Encyclopedia finally published a dedicated article about Danielle Smith.  


The 1st edition of the Canadian Encyclopedia was completely funded by our Albertan Government - in 1985 - when Peter Lougheed was Premier.  Today the Canadian Encyclopedia receives funding from the federal government.




The founder of the Canadian Encyclopedia – Mel Hurtig – a publisher and former bookstore owner – was from Edmonton, Alberta.




Danielle Smith became Albertan Premier on October 11, 2022. AND Premier Smith’s party was re-elected - as government again – in May 2023. Contrast this with the Canadian Encyclopedia’s February 2008 “entry” for Grant Notley (NDP) - who was the opposition leader 1982-84 - which was “updated” on August 10, 2015 because his daughter Rachel became premier.




Premier Smith is the 3rd woman to become premier in Alberta.  This is significant BECAUSE Alberta is the 1st province in Canada to elect 3 female premiers. In fact, there has only been 10 female provincial premiers, 4 female territorial premiers, and 1 female Prime Minister.  In fact, Ms. Smith is set to serve longer than 7 of these female first ministers - in her very first term as Albertan premier.



Premier Smith is the 1st Albertan Leader of the Opposition – to be elected premier since Premier Peter Lougheed.  But what is more amazing about Premier Smith is that she became Premier 7 years after being defeated – and leaving politics.  Now that’s a major “movie-worthy” comeback.  Hypocritically, the Canadian Encyclopedia would rather only mention “Danielle Smith” in 7 other “entries.” (Examples:  Politics in Alberta, Wildrose Party, Naheed Nenshi, Jason Kenney, Jim Prentice, Alison Redford) >>> Google seach:  Danielle Smith Canadian Encyclopedia >>> CLICKHERE.

UPDATE:  On August 12, 2024 - almost 2 years after Danielle Smith became premier of Alberta - and over 12 years since she became Alberta's 2nd female Official opposition leader (and the 1st female to attain that seat through an election) ----- The Canadian Encyclopedia finally wrote a "dedicated" article about Danielle Smith.  >>> CLICK HERE:  


Please continue reading reasons 6 through 12.  And YOU will gain an understanding of just how "BIASED" Canada's institutions are towards Albertans - like Danielle Smith -who truly "Defend Albertans."


Quebec Premier Legault’s “entry” in the Canadian Encyclopedia was first published - September 4, 2012 – the very day – that his new party won only 19 seats (27% of the vote) in the Quebec Legislature and missed becoming the their official opposition.




By contrast  – April 23, 2012 - Danielle Smith’s Wildrose Party won 17 seats on 34.3% of the popular vote, and took over Official Opposition status from the Alberta Liberal Party.  AGAIN, the Canadian Encyclopedia “hypocritically” ignores Danielle Smith.



Jason Kenney – Danielle Smith’s predecessor – garnered an “entry” into the Canadian Encyclopedia 4 days before he became Premier of Alberta on April 16, 2019.



Rachel Notley – Alberta’s 2nd female premier – got her entry on 7 July 2015 – a mere 2 months after winning the election.




Alison Redford – Alberta’s 1st female premier – got her Canadian Encyclopedia “entry” on December 11, 2012 – almost 8 months after getting elected.



Danielle Smith’s newest political opponent – Naheed Nenshi just got his Canadian Encyclopedia “entry” updated June 26, 2024 – only 4 days after he was elected leader of the Alberta NDP .– that’s right he "already" had an “entry” started in 2016.



Jyoti Gondek, Calgary’s 1st female mayor’s Canadian Encyclopedia “entry” was just UPDATED – that’s right updated – on March 13, 2024 – a full 10 months into Premier Danielle Smith’s term.




I have contacted the Canadian Encyclopedia to share my findings about their glaring omission.  And I encourage you to do the same.


 I had to turn to Danielle Smith’s Wikipedia “entry” – and other sources - to highlight her in my new book below.


Buy my new “playbook” Alberta Trivia Quiz Book to discover some little-known facts about Premier Danielle Smith in Question #61.

5 Reasons to Read 

📚 Alberta Trivia Quiz Book 📚 

By Jay Bortnik

CLICK here 👉 https://jaybortnik.blogspot.com/p/5-reasons-to-read-alberta-trivia-quiz.html

BUY here 👉 https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1583398

Thank you,

Jay Bortnik
