The authorities (read most government leaders, police organizations, and elites) "believe" (based on a thin veneer of evidence) that passing more laws and restrictions against "ordinary people" owning and carrying guns, firearms, weapons... will make our world a safer from terrorists, murderers, rapists, and various other intimidators.
Well, apart from the Paris shootings here are 3 disturbing news accounts that might change your mind about gun rights for "ordinary people". The ability to protect ourselves (ordinary people) with an proven effective tool.
Well, apart from the Paris shootings here are 3 disturbing news accounts that might change your mind about gun rights for "ordinary people". The ability to protect ourselves (ordinary people) with an proven effective tool.
The most disturbing part of this is that this guy (this doctor, this part of the elite - read NOT ordinary) was carrying a dangerous weapon (a prohibited weapon in Canada) in an area where prostitutes (ordinary people, NOT elite) have been abducted and murdered. These prostitutes are NOT allowed to carry guns to protect themselves, but this "doctor" did not go to jail for breaking CANADA's "sacred" firearm's act (while ordinary homeowners across Canada have not had similar sentences when protecting their homes with firearms). CONCLUSION: This "doctor" (not an ordinary person), got a slap on the wrist for carrying a very dangerous weapon. Oh, the judge fined him $4000 and put a 10 year ban on owning firearms. Let's see how that worked out in another case - click here:
This guy tried to kill 4 people in a gas station with his truck. His Ford F150. This is a highly visible gas station on 97 St and 118 ave in Edmonton. There were no calls for banning Ford F150s, or making them less powerful, or reducing the size of their gas tank. Actually there was very little coverage and commentary in the media. Trucks evidently are OK. We don't need a national conversation on people who purposely try to "kill" people with their vehicles. Definitely not the same treatment for guns. So you say this is rare? Click on the following link: