What makes
and Albertans
1. Open to God
Albertans have chosen to remain free
in thought and choice, which makes Alberta
one of the freest and most prosperous areas on earth.
2. Open to people from anywhere and everywhere
Just look at Edmonton’s Heritage Festival
which highlights close to 100 different
cultures from around the world -
which are represented in Alberta by Albertans.
which highlights close to 100 different
cultures from around the world -
which are represented in Alberta by Albertans.
3. Open to ideas
Albertans were 1st to vote women
into a provincial legislature
Anywhere in the British Empire in 1917.
There are other Alberta (1st)
firsts –
some of which are highlighted in …
some of which are highlighted in …
WATCH this 7 minute video about
5 Inspiring Albertan Women
who helped shape the rest of Canada.
4. Open space
Alberta is bigger than
every European country except Russia.
In fact, if Alberta was a country,
it would be the
every European country except Russia.
In fact, if Alberta was a country,
it would be the
largest country (by area)
in the world (out of 196 countries).
in the world (out of 196 countries).
WATCH this 4 minute video
The Shocking Truth about Alberta ...
5. Open market
Ask yourself :
“could you do business
in another part of Canada
as easily as another business
– from another province –
“could you do business
in another part of Canada
as easily as another business
– from another province –
can do business in Alberta?
6. Open for business
Remember how Alberta opened
up its oil and gas resources to others
(even Americans), so that Albertans
up its oil and gas resources to others
(even Americans), so that Albertans
- and by extension - Canadians -
could prosper.
could prosper.
Read >>> Whose oil is it?
7. Open to challenges
Remember how Albertans paid-off
a huge public debt
while also paying more federal taxes
than Alberta receives back
in federal benefits and services.
a huge public debt
while also paying more federal taxes
than Alberta receives back
in federal benefits and services.
Read >>>
Dear Alberta -
The Canadian Government Spends YOUR Federal Income Tax $$$ Somewhere Else - Equalization Easily Explained
8. Open road
Look at a map and you will find
one of the largest road networks
(and cellphone coverage too) in Canada.
one of the largest road networks
(and cellphone coverage too) in Canada.
Listen to this neat song by Albertan Singer Paul Brandt >>>
Open Road >>>
9. Open to working hard
Many thousands of Albertans
have experienced long stints away
from home within Alberta
(and even around the world).
have experienced long stints away
from home within Alberta
(and even around the world).