Canada is 'Rigged'

Read: Abolish Provinces?

(you can click on each source)

The Constitution Acts 1867 - 1982

Elections Canada.  House of Commons Seat Allocation by Province

The Canadian Encyclopedia.  Senate of Canada.

Statistics Canada.  Land and freshwater area, by province and territory.
Please note that there is a difference between "land area" and "total area."
To keep it simple, we used total area.

Statistics Canada.  Internationalmerchandise trade by province, commodity, and Principal Trading Partners (x1,000).  Please note that there is no direct link to each province.  You will have to enter the search parameters for each province and then add all of the months of 2018 together.

Watch these videos

How You Can Vote "No" to Canada
... and still be counted

Canada Misplaced
(about 2 minutes)

Alberta Northern Superstar
(about 7 minutes)

The Shocking Truth about Alberta and Saskatchewan
(about 3 1/2 minutes)
