2 Albertans' Ad-VAN-tures


WE are Corinne and Jay Bortnik  >>> We've been EXPLORING Alberta, Canada --- in our VAN --- EVERY weekend --- in ALL weather conditions --- SINCE November 2021.

We SLEPT for FREE --- in the summer of 2022 --- in West Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna, Penticton, Osoyoos, and Christina Lake, British Columbia.  >>>  And with the SAVINGS - from SLEEPING for FREE for 23 DAYS !!! - we bought a video camera to RECORD our epic ad-VAN-ture. 

>>> WATCH our VIDEO >>> 10 Beaches in 23 Days >>>  https://jaybortnik.blogspot.com/2022/11/blog-post.html

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do - So throw off the bowlines. - Sail away from the safe harbor - Catch the trade winds in your sails - Explore.  Dream. Discover."   --- Mark Twain

And here's how we do it ...

<<<  Please WATCH our 3 minute VIDEO  >>>
