Jasper Forest Fire 😲 Foretold in 2018 😲

Thank you CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) ! 
I know I haven't listened to you for a while.

But, YOUR article - below - totally "debunks" any claims that this fire was "entirely" the fault of "climate change."

On Apr 10, 2018, YOU - the CBC - reported:

Jasper National Park not prepared for potential forest fire 'catastrophe,' researchers say

Jasper's July 2024 fire was entirely the Canadian Federal Government's fault BECAUSE they knew it was inevitable.  Not only did "outside professionals" tell them that there was too much fuel for fires, they themselves acknowledged it in their own reports in 2018 and 2022.

"Emile Begin and Ken Hodges (2 professional foresters with 40 years experience) said a major forest fire in the area is an inevitability." 

"You have fire suppression that has occurred for many years — therefore, you get a lot of dead fuel that would have been consumed by a natural process," Hodges said. "The mountain pine beetle adds even more fuel to the situation."

Parks Canada - entirely run by the Canadian Federal Government - did NOT get rid of the "dead trees" that were still standing after the pine beetles.  They allowed this very dry, fire-ready "deadwood" to stay in the forest.  They did NOT allow fires to "naturally" get rid of it.  NOR did they remove it.  The video below speculates that the Canadian Federal Government has no appetite to send in "loggers" to "cut down" dead trees BECAUSE the Canadian people don't want trees cut down for any reason.  In fact, this former Jasper Park official claims that management were warned in 2008 about this - a full 10 years before the warning from the 2 foresters above.

If you watch the video below, on the YouTube Platform, you will notice that YouTube has placed a DISCLAIMER below the video which reads, "Climate Change: United Nations • Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. NOT SO FAST... This YouTube "disclaimer" is effectively disputed by a climate scientist in the second video below.d

Because many people - including members of the current Canadian Government - will immediately blame this fire "totally" on Climate Change - YOU may want to examine their claims about climate change - from the perspective of an actual climate scientist.

AGAIN, If you watch the video below, on the YouTube Platform, you will notice that YouTube has placed a DISCLAIMER below the video which reads, "Climate Change: United Nations • Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas."

But wait, the video below was made by:  Judith Curry, former Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology AND the "Facts and sources" for what she asserts below are here >>> https://www.prageru.com/video/good-news-the-world-is-not-ending

In addition, Parks Canada released a report (<<< Click to see) in 2022, acknowledging: 

"...long-term support of undisturbed wilderness."

So Parks Canada, really does not want to "disturb" anything in the "wilderness."  That is their "underlying strategy" when confronted with anything that happens in the forest.  Do as little as possible because anything more might "disturb the wilderness" - and we wouldn't want to cut down any dangerously dry deadwood.

"A mountain pine beetle infestation has brought significant change to forests in Alberta, including Jasper National Park, with consequences for wildfire risk, public safety, infrastructure management and long-term forest succession."

Even while the 2 professional foresters above were warning park officials, the park acknowledged, in their own 2018 report, that there was a huge build-up of fuel which they "confusingly" called a "fire deficit."

(Click on the link above to see the report)

"Area burned is poor as the fire deficit has accumulated in the park over the past century in most habitat types."

As you can see in the quote above, Parks Canada is completely aware of what their "mismanagement" has wrought since the park began in 1907. 

"Key information and threat"
"White pine blister rust, mountain pine beetle, and fire suppression are the major threats facing whitebark pine."

"Fire management"

"Area burned condition class is poor in the park."

"Wildfire is crucial to a well-functioning ecosystem in our ecoregion. Parks Canada has completed prescribed burns over the last ten years to safely improve habitat quality, restore ecological processes and reduce wildfire risk. We will continue to protect facilities, carry out prescribed burns and are also implementing a wildfire risk reduction program for community and visitor protection around Jasper townsite to address elevated risk as a result of the mountain pine beetle epidemic."

We now know that there is something very "wrong" about Jasper Park Management's approach to "wildfire risk reduction."

The Canadian Federal Government - and their long-term bureaucrats - will go to any length to blame every so-called "wildfire" on climate change.  There is not only "rot" and "deadwood" in the forest, it exists in the BLOATED Canadian government too.  And since Jasper National Park is technically within Alberta boundaries, I humbly suggest that our Albertan government should take over every "national park" within Alberta.  If the federal government will not relinquish control over these parks, Albertans must take action and Defend Alberta from the rest of Canada.  >>> Please READ  >>> Defend YOUR Alberta in 3 easy steps  >>> 

Also check out:
Tree TRIVIA True or False?

OR if you just want to see a cool "music video" about the Sky Walk in Jasper National Park, then WATCH the video below:
