Is Canada playing - institutional victim games - with Albertans?

A Letter to All Albertans 

Just the other day,

I was re-reading a very old self-help book 

that I keep for bathroom reading. 

I started to read the section called

 “Some Common Institutional Victim Games” 

and quickly realized that this entire section 

could easily apply to us - Albertans - today.

Three “victim games”

really stuck out:

1. Making the institution (Canada) “a person”

2. Swearing your allegiance first and forever (to Canada)

3. Falling into the jargon trap (ie. equalization)

Pierre Berton (famous Canadian author) once wrote,

 “Our love affair with Canada 

has been long and slow, 

never a sudden infatuation.” 

If you didn’t know that “Canada” 

was just a country 

– an alliance of provinces really – 

you might believe “Canada” 

to be the name of a woman (person)

whom he loves.


In fact, 

Canada is just a corporate entity, 

which receives and redistributes our money 

to people we (mostly) do not know 

and to places we almost never go.

I have often heard 

Canada described in terms of a family 

– complete with parents and siblings. 

Contrary to popular belief, 

unless you are a corporate lawyer, 

provinces are not real “people.” 

Is the province of Quebec 

going to care or cry 

if you die tomorrow? 

Probably not. 

And I doubt very much, 

that even Quebecers, themselves, 

(who live very far away) 

took notice when Ralph Klein, 

Alberta’s beloved premier, died.

Albertans have been 

swearing their allegiance 

– forever - to institutions

– like the Canadian federal government - 

as long as Alberta has been a province. 

Where has this 

“Canada first and forever allegiance” 

gotten Albertans so far? 

Many Albertans risked 

their financial futures on Alberta, 

only to find that their contribution 

(decades of paying 

hundreds of billions 

more in federal taxes 

than they received 

back in benefits)

was neither respected 

nor even remembered. 

And now, 

to add insult to injury, 

unemployed and underemployed Albertans 

(some of whom used to be employers) 

are being told, 

that the prime beneficiaries 

(ie. Quebec) 

of their extra taxes, 

would rather buy their oil 

from a nation (Saudi Arabia) 

that has little regard 

for human rights 

let alone so-called Canadian values.

And now 

that we are on the subject of values, 

it seems that this “person” 

– Canada – 

has made words like “equalization” 

and “health transfer payments” 


the most respected Canadian values. 

And what amounts to “wealth transfers” 

– from Albertans for the past 5 decades – 

have gone on, 


in the name of “fairness.” 

This is just “jargon” 

- confusing 

and meaningless talk. 

It took me a lifetime 

to realize 

that it wasn’t our Alberta government 

that simply cut 

an “equalization cheque” 

or “transfer payment” 

to others. 

In fact 

it is the Canadian federal government 

that takes 

more tax from Albertans 

to give to others. 

And Albertans are told, 

by the “Canada” jargon experts, 

that the federal formula 

for “equalization” 

is far too complicated 

to easily communicate.

And there you have it. 

Albertans’ victimhood 

is complete 

in three easy steps. 


believe that the “machine” 

you are dealing with 

is a living and breathing “person” 

that you can love. 


swear your undying allegiance 

to this “person” 



like a subservient wife, 

believe every word 

that your abusive husband 

tells you 

– because this Canada “guy” 

deserves your love 

more than 

even yourself, 

your family, 

your friends, 

or your neighbours 

– even if others tell you 

that “he’s (Canada) 

no good for you.” 

(and we mean 

no disrespect 

to the real abused women 

– our hearts go out to you).


Corinne + Jay Bortnik


Our letter

was also published by:

April 2019 -  Alberta Views Magazine
(Read our "heavily" edited version in the printed version)
March 13, 2019 - Medicine Hat News <<< CLICK to see
March 7, 2019 - Meridian Source (Lloydminster) <<< CLICK to see
March 2019 - Kerby News (Calgary)  Page 9  <<< CLICK to see
February 28, 2019 - ECA Review  <<< CLICK to see
February 26, 2019 - Vermilion Voice  Page 6  <<< CLICK to see

or WATCH the video version:

Related Post:

Albertans Vote NO to Canada
