You know what?

How many more

Canadians died

in the first 8 months

of 2020 than in 2019?

a) 1000 +

b) 10,000 +

c) 100,000 +

d) none of the above

CLICK HERE for YOUR answer


How much cash did

the Canadian Government give 

(promised before covid) 

to “private” media organizations 

such as CTV, Global, 

National Post, Calgary Herald, 

Edmonton Journal, Toronto Star, 

Globe & Mail, etc.?

a) $0

b) $100 million

c) $595 million

d) $1 billion

CLICK HERE for YOUR answer


Thirty Four (34) pages of classified 

Canadian Government documents 

were given – “by mistake” – 

to a non-subsidized media outlet 

in December 2020.

What were they about?

a) Huge increases to carbon taxes

b) 2 Canadians held prisoner by China

c) Joint Canadian / Chinese Military training

d) Death counts for the first 8 months 2020

CLICK HERE for YOUR answer


Albertans have paid 

more than $______ billion 

– since 1961 - 

in excess taxes 

- over and above - 

what we have received 

in services and benefits 

from the Canadian Federal Government.

a) $0

b) $61

c) $611

d) $911

CLICK HERE for YOUR answer


How many more 

Albertans live 

north of 50˚ north latitude 

THAN other Canadians?

a) 100,000 +

b) 500,000 +

c) 1.5 Million

d) 3 Million

CLICK HERE for YOUR answer


Can YOU vote 

for “nobody” 

in a Canadian federal election 

and still have it officially counted?

a) No

b) Yes

CLICK HERE for YOUR answer


                     Photo Credit:  Corinne+Jay Bortnik
                     200 Block of 6 Avenue SE, Downtown Calgary, Alberta


You know what? This blog - and our writing - and our videos - is my fight song >>> >>> and I am going to sing it LOUD >>>